
Read some of the testimonials from Dr. Chinnadorai Rajeswaran’s patients! Please note that in some cases we use alternative names and images have not been included to preserve identities of patients.

The care and attention to detail that Dr. Rajeswaran has provided to myself has been nothing but first class. Dr. Raj listened to the issues I was facing everyday with hormonal (testosterone) in-balance and the affects of the low levels were having on my life. I have since started TRT and made the changes to my life that Dr. Raj suggested and I am a totally different person. I have also started a course with Simplyweight and the communication and follow ups from Dr. Raj’s team – especially Azra have been fantastic.

I would highly recommend Dr. Raj and his team – many thanks again.


My interaction with dr raj has been a very elevating experience. Instead of just prescribing, he made me understand the changes in my body and how it impacts me so that i can make the right choices myself. More than just a treatment, i have found ways to improve my lifestyle which probably is the best guidance one can get. I have had a wholistic approach here and that has been the fun part. I have loved the way my health both physical and mental health has improved and definitely thanks to them.


Dr. Rajeswaran’s approach to addressing obesity and related medical issues is a holistic path to recover lost health, as the physical, mental, diet and activity problems are all taken care of together being interlinked. He along with Dr. Kala, Cognitive behavioural therapist and Ms. Varsha, Specialist dietician, helped me to first gain detailed clarity on the ideal functioning of the human biology in relevance to what harm I was doing to my health due to my irregular working hours, improper diet intake-schedule and the stress I was putting myself through. They then enabled me to figure out the mind blocks I face against choosing a healthy lifestyle. Dedicated effort and time is spent by the team to lead me on a journey of self-discovery to overcome these issues in simple, practical ways which are derived from my existing lifestyle choices, which includes an implementable nutritive diet plan with simple home workouts. They are empathetic towards what a patient is going through and far-sighted to make sure the rectified choices are followable for life-time.

Dr. Raj’s vision is for the patient to gain a learning for lifetime, which makes us self-sustained in caring for our health needs in future as well, which I found to be very pragmatic. His consultations are highly positive and interactive, which he encourages a lot, and provides us more and more insight into the micro details of our day to day health. Therapy sessions with Kala mam are very optimistic and eye-opening towards alternative behaviour and reactions towards day to day situations to progess forwards with my life goals. Ms. Varsha explains well about my diet with effective ways for healthy eating. She is very supportive and easy to approach for all clarifications. The weight-management program is also neatly structured with regular follow ups from them to ensure our success. The health app offers an abundant data-base of resource material on good food choices, postive mental health practices and active lifestyle as well. The team has a strong and confident demeanour based on deep medical expertise which instills a lot of faith in the process. I’m on my exploratory journey to good health with them and am highly confident in their care to reach a better future soon.


I was finding it hard to cope with my Diabetes and really needed to lose weight to improve my health. Also my body image and confidence were really low and I never used to socialise. Thanks to Simplyweight’s London Clinic I’ve managed to lose 3 stone in just 3 months and reduced my medication dosage too. Really pleased with the service!


Can I say how lucky I was to be referred to your clinic. I had tried to lose weight myself. My own GP sent me to their own surgery’s clinic. All they ever did was weigh me and showed me a picture of a plate divided into portion sizes ! Then I asked if I could be referred to the hospital to see about weight loss surgery. That’s when I met you.


If you are looking for a weight loss programme we highly recommend this one, you won’t get better help as you have easy access to a very experienced, motivational and sincere team who will ensure you succeed. When we first started on the Simplyweight  journey we thought it would all be about diet but it is so much more. From the beginning it became clear that we needed help on an emotional level as well as the weight issues as these were really affecting our family life and relationships. We have never been on a plan where it wasn’t just counting calories and exercising and addressing the psychological issues as well has been has been the most successful part of the process. It has not only given us both confidence and positivity and has brought us back together as a family. You really don’t realise how much the weight issues make you unhappy and in turn push away those closest to you. We have just had the most enjoyable and carefree family holiday we have had in years so a really big Thank you to Dr Raj and Kala for all your guidance and help. Our Journey hasn’t finished yet but it has made so much difference to our lives so far.

Julie & Emma

How can you say thank you for somebody who changed your life? Well I’m going to attempt to do it… I came to simply weight not so much as a last resort but more of a last cry for help. It’s actually sad how we have all learned to suppress our feeling of helplessness just to keep on living for the sake of it. I always thought that as a successful and educated professional I was doing everything right. I certainly thought I have all the tools and skills required to make a significant change in my life. I was wrong. And through simplyweight I learned things about myself and the world, things I thought i already knew but I couldn’t have been further from the truth. Today I stand here not just 4 stone lighter and healthier, but equipped with the skills that will stay with me for the rest of my life. Skills of acceptance, but not acceptance of the present, but acceptance of the fact that you control your own life. You control aspects of your life you didn’t know you could. Your present your future and everything in between. Dr Raj and his devoted and professional team has not just helped me to become the person I wanted to be but helped me lead a life that’s inspiring to others. I can say nothing but thank you with all my heart. Thank you for helping me grow into a person we all should aspire to be and thank you for giving me the opportunity to help others with everything I have learned. Last but not least thank you for showing me the way to a happy healthy and balanced life.


I am so grateful for the support and encouragement I have received from both you and Raj in changing my whole life. It is a huge change and scary as well as being wonderful. I worry that you and Raj are not disappointed in my progress hence saying I worry about seeing you. Thank you is very easy to say, but it is heartfelt


I know I haven’t been keeping in touch constantly. It is not that I have given up but that I want to prove to you that I can succeed not just in weight loss but regarding my capabilities & career having the confidence to succeed without putting constant pressure on myself. I am pleased to announce I have gained a massive promotion (thanks to you Dr Raj & kala for building my confidence!) Don’t get me wrong there are times that I panic but the sim happy calms me to put things into perspective I feel amazing. Thank you You have been amazing. Don’t get me wrong I am still on a journey but in a totally different place than where we started which seems so long ago, I don’t even recognise myself. Comments have been past about me are- standing tall,talking confidently having leadership presence. All thanks to you


I tried on 2 evening dresses yesterday. The first one I had on my 17th birthday and the second which I could not even start to zip up a couple of months ago was the dress I wore on my 21st birthday. I kept both dresses as they both expensive and I loved them both. The dress from when I was 17 is too big – it is from the 80’s made of taffeta – masses of material. Size 12. The other dress I originally had for a ball in London when I was 20 and then wore it for my 21st. This is fitted with a wide band under the bust. The dress now fits perfectly. I cannot remember being that small. I always felt and thought I looked big. I remember I did lose weight at this age when I started work. I went out with two friends on my 21st plus family. I am still very close with my friends and will see them both in the next 2 months. I am still buying a new dress for the cruise and party, but I could not believe that I could ever fit into my 21st dress after 40 years and it still looks good


Due to work, exams and holidays I’ve missed a few sessions. However, the teachings of the simplyweight team are sinking in. Being a cynic I hate to admit it but this Programme is working. In my head – I have acknowledged that being fat is something that can be managed. When I have the urge to eat chocolate or extra bread I challenge myself and think of the real risk I am putting myself at. Anxiety and mood – okay. Food – Massive reduction in bread intake! Chocolate – what’s chocolate! Fizzy drinks – if any zero sugar Fish and chips – have lost the chips. Alcohol – I can go for weeks without it. Changing to smaller plates next week. I think I am winning with the snacking between meals, especially the chocolates at work. I am concentrating on reducing meal portions at moment in conjunction with my wife. Physically – Sleeping – better, not as tired during the day. Weight – weighed last Wed on down to 97.5 kg (Starting weight 105kg) Medically – I should be a disaster but possibly due to my exercise my CV risk appears not too bad. BP less than 130 systolic, HR okay and ecg no abnormalities. My GP and Practice Nurse! The good bits – On a massive weekly dose of Vit D for 2/12. The Metformin – the GP and Diabetic Nurse (who you know) still did want wish to prescribe Metformin and label me as diabetic. They insisted on repeating my bloods in May. If then there was no improvement they would go down the Type 2 route. They felt with lifestyle changes I may not require meds. There are some things which still need resolving but lots of positives and in general I feel much better about myself. Sorry for writing so much!! Regards, Alan


Thank you for seeing me today and reassuring me that all your investigations have ruled out any endocrine problems.

I especially appreciate your level of care and understanding of my illness problems as that made me feel better in myself today!

I will update you as agreed in the next month as to my situation and will contact you if needed for advice and or a recommendation for a consultant in gastroenterology.

Thank you once again!

Michael, London

I have lost 12kg in 3 months and I can fit into my smallest clothes which I haven’t worn since I had my children. Thanks Simplyweight!

Annabelle, London

Dr Raj is an excellent physician He is compassionate and is motivating his patients to achieve a healthy life style He and his team has holistic approach for physical and emotional health.

I wish to recognise Dr Chinnadorai Rajeswaran being an excellent physician and for his exceptional dedication. In desperate times of January this year (2007) I was trying to find a doctor that specialised in my condition (Addison’s Disease) that would listen to me, understand me, work with me and be able to help support my journey in regaining some life back and improve my overall health and wellbeing. He has been compassionate, supportive and motivational to date and I am getting the results I have longed for. Being in the health care profession myself, I knew what I wanted and what I needed so I had an expectation in Dr Raj. Well he has surpassed all my expectation! If you want a true professional who is understanding, supportive and who listens to you then Dr Rajeswaran is your man! I highly recommend him as a person and an excellent physician.

PJB, Peterborough

Dr Raj pays great attention to detail. His approach is very personalised. I have no hesitation to recommend him to my patients as I am certain that they will be well looked after.

I.Koita, London

I am a 29 year old female, I decided 4 years ago to change my life for the better. I was tired of waking up every morning feeling miserable about my weight and felt so sad like I had nothing to live for. My weight was creeping up I hated it I, hated how I looked so I ate to feel better although then I didn’t know it was making me worse.

I decided to see my doctor who then referred me to dr Raj who helped me in the right direction to change my life. Yes granted I had bumps along the way and thought at times I can’t do this but I kept on fighting.

I now wake up with a smile on my face and look at mu daughter who is my means of life and I’m thankful for the help and support in showing me where I was going wrong.

I now look to a bright and happy long life…….

LT, Yorkshire

I found him very informative and he grasped my rather complex medical condition very quickly. His advice was clear and concise and I know exactly what to do next.

Dr.Rajeswaran is an extremely competent physician and diabetologist. I have been associated with him professionally for the last 17 years and I find his work extremely good. He has extensive experience also in the management of obesity related problems and I has found his management very rewarding for the patients as well.

Dr J. Murugan, London

Thank you so much

I really appreciate your quick responses

You have been amazing and are a amazing doctor

Kind regards ……

Jane, Yorkshire

Dr Raj has been fantastic,
He treats you as a person and takes a great deal of time to find the problem.
He leaves no stone unturned.
He has an extremely caring nature and very detailed into investigations.
A true gentleman and how Doctors should be…..

James L, Yorkshire

Thank you again toDr Raj and the wonderful team…I have lost 20.5kg in 6 month and 1/2. I am feeling 10 years younger and mediacally I am just overweight

Thank you all !!!!

Natalia, London

Hello Dr Raj

I just wanted to say thank you very much for your time this week and your reassurance it help me a lot to know that you’re there too protect me from hiding the wrong direction and  get my hormones back on track.

My hair is my biggest concern and I’m hoping that with your guidance that it will start to get better and also get better sleep and my libido will return.

Have a lovely weekend i’ll be in touch with my food diary after my break next week .

Best wishes

KK, Leeds

Please can you pass on it was lovely to meet Dr Raj today and I am very glad he is now looking after me.
I already feel better to know he is looking after me and that we have a plan moving forward.
Best wishes Jacque


Please can you thank Dr Rajeswaran so much for this, I wasn’t expecting any follow up and this is enormously appreciated.
I can report that today I am feeling even better than yesterday on the xxxxxxxxxx, I shall keep you updated.
Many thanks… Liz U


Livvy is doing really well and her weight loss has made such an unbelievable difference to her, her confidence has improved tenfold and we are all so pleased for her, it’s thrilling to watch her.
Thank you.


I can’t thank you enough for shaking and moving things up with my GP and getting me sorted and feel much better with you as my endocrinologist so please don’t retire .


I have been very happy with the service I have received. It was very easy to make an appointment and was seen within a week.

The appointment itself (both in fact), was very thorough and Dr Raj was both understanding and clear in what he wanted to happen going forward. The plan was clear and this was very reassuring. During my second consultation, he checked everything again and told me clearly what had improved and what options there were going forward.

The correspondence I received was very useful for my GP to action, and going forward, the NHS consultant.

It was definitely worth the money for peace of mind and a clear, decisive plan. I would definitely recommend Dr Raj and wouldn’t hesitate to see him again if the need arose.
Many thanks.


Words are hard to put on a letter as he listened to me and seem to understand what was going on and why I was feeling unwell straight away. Marvellous person and very gifted and caring kind. I have already recommended him to many.
I just wish he would live and York.

I feel Dr Raj has a second sight to how you are actually feeling, when you have lost sight of feeling unwell, he is spot on with all his diagnostic questions, that provides a detailed insights for him to what is going on with the person sat in front of him , he is like a detective, he leaves no stone unturned with this ” in-depth investigation” with an individual patient mind and body.

I feel with my case I knew something was not right with me and after a time you get used to feeling tired unwell and can’t seem to explain as so many issues seemed to be making me feel unwell. I was overwhelmed.
I became a master with my make up to try and look well.
But in person he could see I was struggling to walk in pain out of sync with myself.
He pushed for test with my GP who was reluctant to do any.

I feel so lucky to have him looking after me, as though his elimination of tests and blood work, we have hopefully found out why I have been so unwell and now I have faith he will get me back to how I was 18 months ago.

My mental health has improved as someone is on my side and with advice and helping tweaking my medication to get me as well as possible, I already feel better already positive, he always answers anything in email beyond my consultation time.

This puts my mind at rest and as a patient I am first beyond any monetary gain. He is very supportive and kind and I trust him to do the very best for me.
My son is getting married in June 2023 and I now know I will be well and back to my self by then as this was making me very unhappy as I was feeling so dreadful.

I can’t thank him enough the both of you. Azra has been so kind too.
Best wishes,


I have recovered from COVID, but after a month, I was having some problems like chest and back pain, burning sensation in chest. I consulted Dr. Raj at The London Obesity Clinic through zoom video call. He advised me to take blood tests ,etc and explained me the problems and treatment for it. My main problem is I am obese and it is main cause for many health issues. Now with the treatment of The London Obesity Clinic, I’m Losing weight, and I am sure under their guidance I will reach the desired weight for my height and age, which will solve all my problems and have healthy life. Thanks to The London Obesity Clinic.

Ravi M

I would 100% recommend the Simplyweight Weight Management Programme. Having tried most of the weight loss plans available (you name it, I’ve probably done it!) over the last 10 years, I was pretty sure that bariatric surgery was the only option for me. – now I know that’s not the case! The support from Dr Raj, Addic and the rest of the team has been second to none. I have completely changed my attitude towards food and exercise and they have helped me to realise that my journey is a marathon not a sprint. I have successfully lost 30lbs since the end of January 2021 and this was without starving myself on shakes/meal replacements like other diets! If you are considering joining a simply weight management plan, please use this testimony as encouragement to go for it. I wish I had found them sooner!

Simplyweight is absolutely fantastic. It’s given me a whole new lease of life and I love me.


The program is fantastic in the fact that you can eat basically anything you want. I’d have Christmas and New Year coming up and I was able to go out and enjoy my time with friends but instead of just carrying on eating after that, it’s about looking at portion control, calorific content etc.

Simplyweight is absolutely fantastic. It’s given me a whole new lease of life and I love me.


Dr Raj was very easy to talk to and explained factors relating to my issues in a clear manner and with a sense of humour.


After trying many different diets and exercises I decided to book myself for a consultation with Dr Raj, since my consultation I have lost weight steadily and easily.


Kind and supportive programme that allows you to be you without feeling pressured or disappointed…..

whilst seeing and experiencing amazing results both mentally and physically


I had the pleasure of meeting with Dr. C Rajeswaran as my Endocrinology consultant recently and found him to be a caring, knowledgeable and an extremely kind, patient healthcare professional who listened to my concerns and took his time to clarify my symptoms and the impact this had on my daily life with great care. He offers a good, follow up service and shows great empathy. I would highly recommend his expertise to anyone looking for a good endocrinology consultant. I will certainly be returning should the need arise in the future.


This has been the best 4 months I have had in a long time. In the time I have been with Simplyweight I have lost 12kg. The staff have been wonderful offering loads of advice with my health and how to lose weight with portion control. I highly recommend them.


Having been very unwell for over 12 months and passed from pillar to post Dr Rajeswaran is the first to have actually listened and not pick the easy option/answer of ME/CFS. Inspires confidence that he will work to support me and find an answer and help me get a life back.


I have recently started using the Claremont Hospital in Sheffield and have

been totally impressed by the high level of care and time their consultants
take with patients. Dr. Rajeswaran is no exception. Although I was focused
on the treatment of one hormonal problem, Dr Rajeswaran carefully and
methodically went into all my other medical conditions to ensure that any
treatment he recommended would help, if possible, the whole person
and not just this one condition. His attention to detail, the time he takes
to understand his patients, the care in selecting the right tests and treatments
his detailed clinic letters, has left me in know doubt that I am in safe hands and
the assurance of much improved health.


I met Dr Raj when I was having problems blacking out and some seizures causing great scary episodes and and a very unwell experiences and I was totally at a loss what was happening to me. Dr Raj has been my doctor for some years and now a friend who think it’s very important to understand my illness and my emotional state as well. He has worked day and night with commucating with doctors around the country trying to find someway to help me. No expense has been spared when it comes to him he has done many different tests and some have been just to rule put something else. Although my illness seemed unique and is in its severity I could not have asked for such a patient talented caring doctor than he, I have felt lucky that I have had him as my doctor being there for me every step of the way. He has allowed me to share knowledge to him showing him some medications that act in reverse to me where maybe another doctor would not believe me but as intrigued as Dr Raj is about non diabetic biatric hypoglycemia and other areas of weight and diabties etc he admitted me and stayed in my room while these tests were performed proving to me that he believed me and just wanted to see the effect happening in the moment it was happebing.

Now after a few years together we are pioneering a social media page about hypoglycemia and he’s very happy for me to be a part of this. That’s one thing about him he never leaves you out of discussions and will keep you informed or the progress of everything in hospital or clinic. He will be sadly missed in the hospital but I know now he will go other parts of Britain and the world investigating methods to treat and maybe cure something one day. Thanks for the pleasure of meeting you and look forward to aiding you in the future .. x

Patient from Dewsbury and District Hospital

When i first went to Weight Management I didn’t think it were for me and I didn’t think that I’d be able to stick to it. Before this I had tried every diet going and they all failed and I never thought I’d be able to find something that would work for me. I carried on going to class and slowly but surely things began to sink in and make sense. Nosheen the leader of the class was really good and she explained things where everyone could understand them. I gave it a proper go and it has changed my life majorly, for the better. My start weight was 16st 1lb, and my weight when the class ended was 13st 13lb and I am still going. For me the main problem was breakfast because I was skipping it and feeling dreadful and hungry all the time, but once I realised I needed to have it everything got easier. For me the food diary and going to class every week were the things that made this easy for me. I never wanted to go to class and be the only person who hadn’t lost weight which made me take it more serious and try harder. At class we all got on really well and helped each other achieve what we wanted. The physio at class was really supportive and didn’t make us do anything we couldn’t. Thanks to Dr. C. Rajeswaran referring me to this class I have made so many life changes, I exercise more, join in with my grandchildren more and overall I feel so much healthier and happier. I have so many health problems from COPD to swelling in my feet and legs and I was almost housebound. Now I am on the exercise bike everyday, I can leave the house more and feel so much better for eating better foods.

Anybody debating going this class I would tell you to go with an openmind, and enjoy it. I feel like a normal women again now that I have lost weight, and I believe in myself again now, and you can too!

The doctor made me feel so determined and listened too and made me fully engaged in the program. I was so lucky to be refered to this program because it really has changed my life and made me determined to start living again. I feel so determined to keep going now, because the doctor has put me forward for surgery, which I have wanted for such a long time and I am so happy that the doctor would do this for me. I am so excited for the future now and so excited to see how healthier I get and how much my life will change. Thank you so much.

Patient from Dewsbury and District Hospital

I met Dr Rajaswaren for the first time today following a referral from Simon Holmes endocrinologist nurse. He was very friendly and very thorough in his assessment of me. He’s arranged a multitude of tests going forward to try and find the reason for my low cortisol symptoms. I feel like I’m in very good hands going forward

Patient from Dewsbury and District Hospital

Hello my name is alison grogan . I have bipolar and was obese i want to see doctor raj back in 2002 about my weight and how i was feeling at the time i was very suicidal a And i spoke to doctor raj and he listen to me like nobody had listened before . he made me feel like life was worth living. He put me forward for gastric surgery. It was not an easy road as you have lost of appointment’s and it doesn’t happen over night but i would like to tell you the truth . I had my operation in 2005 and i had a gastric bypass. And its made such a difference to my life i have lost about 8 stone and yes i still have bipolar and still have suicidal thoughts but i can honestly say from then to now there is no comparison to how i feel . i do hope this will help people like me that their is light at the end of the tunnel and a big thank you to doctor raj for giving me hope and for listening to me and never giving up on me just because i have bipolar. So thank you DOCTOR RAJ


I have personally thanked Dr Rajeswaran for all the help and support he has given me over the past 3 half yrs. I was referred to Dr Raj’s weight management clinic and from the very first meeting felt very relaxed and hopeful. Dr Raj and his staff were all extremely caring, helpful, polite and supportive throughout my care. After having bad experiences and numerous attempts to lose weight I finally with Dr Rajeswaran’s help and support lost 5 stone and went on to have surgery to remove excess skin (apronectomy) Without Dr Rajeswaran and the great work he is doing with the weight management program many people including myself would never be were we are today so if anyone is struggling then I highly recommend that you go talk to your GP and ask to be referred to see Dr Rajeswaran at weight management based at Dewsbury & District Hospital. Massive Thanks again to you Dr Raj for all your care and support I couldn’t have done it without you

Patient from Dewsbury and District Hospital

Dr Raj is the most understanding and helpful Dr I have had. He is totally committed to helping , caring and understanding his patients. His manner makes you feel at ease immediately and with his help I have lost a large amount of weight and he is so happy that I am happy. Thank you Dr so much for your help and care.

From a Patient

I have been very pleased with the attention and service I have received from Dr Raj and his team. The support has been excellent and attention to my health and their communications with my GP have ensured improved outcomes and focus on issues missed by my surgery. This has been in addition to my weight loss which has been gradual but effective. I have now approached my diet in a much healthier and sustainable manner. Thank you.


Personally, I just can’t thank this man enough for what he has done for me, considering I went to him in mid-2013 with so many problems and in a matter of months he has got most under control. The best thing he did for me was, he sent me to see an nurse (Simon Holmes) for endocrinologist issues. He is a very caring man, and you know that you are in good hands with him and he is well on the way to giving me my ‘life’ back what I enjoyed ten years ago. The nurses at the diabetes centre in Dewsbury are also spot on, I see mainly Naomi and it is just like visiting a friend who you can speak to and understands your needs. The one person I have to thank for all this is Dr Rajeswaran, and would recommend him above anyone I have seen in my long battles with diabetes and it’s many problems it causes. He understood what my symptoms where immediately, and assured me, unlike a neurologist I will not mention here, that the symptoms were not all in my head but due to long-standing diabetes. Dr Rajeswaran, my family and I cannot thank you enough for giving me back what can only be said to be, a normal life again.

Patient from Dewsbury and District Hospital

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