Category: Endocrine

Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure (Uncontrolled)

High blood pressure or hypertension is commonly detected during routine check up. This is more common as we age. In most people with hypertension, no underlying reason for elevated blood pressure is found.

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Hyponatraemia (Low sodium)

Hyponatraemia or low sodium is a common salt imbalance condition. Low sodium is seen in several conditions. Normal serum sodium concentration in the body is between 135-145 mEq/L. What are the symptoms

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Fatty Liver

Fatty Liver (NAFLD)

Fatty liver is the accumulation of triglycerides and other fats in the liver cells. Fatty liver could be alcohol related or non-alcohol related. Here I will be explaining about Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver

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Osteoporosis  is a chronic metabolic bone disease, which progresses slowly. Osteoporosis is thinning of the bone making the bones more fragile and prone to breaking.  There are usually no symptoms until a fracture

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Hirsutism is a condition, where in excessive body hair growth is seen in men and women, in areas of the body, where hair is normally absent or minimal. This is more of a

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Sweating (excessive)

Excessive Sweating or hyperhidrosis can affect a person’s quality of life. Profuse and constant or intermittent sweating can interfere with work and socialising, in addition can be a reason for emotional distress. Sweating or

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Dr Chinnadorai Rajeswaran, consultant endocrinologist explains about tiredness and its endocrine management. Please email him, if you need more information. Tiredness or Fatigue is a common complaint. Tiredness All The Time (TATT)

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Dr Chinnadorai Rajeswaran, consultant endocrinologist explains about adrenal problems and its endocrine management. Please email him, if you need more information. The adrenal glands are a pair of triangular glands that sit

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